Luisa Clark logo, Black and Teal.

Still Projects

  My photographic style stems from a need to document the realities of life unfiltered. These projects showcase my innate curiosity for the truth in still imagery; removed from the surface of conventional beauty and subject matter.

Grand Central: After Hours


A staple of New York life Grand Central is the heart of New York City. This series looks beneath the surface of this grandiose behemoth of a landmark to capture the unseen heroes that keep this place running and beautiful.


Butcher cutting Meat

An ongoing series stemming from Barranquilla, Colombia that explores the magnitude of grace exhibited by street vendors.




This series dives into the final moments inside my husband's childhood home before it was demolished. It captures the ephemeral sentiments of a life lived when the structure that holds all your memories seizes to exist.


Fintech Citibank

Campaigns and advertisements I have been a part of as an assistant and prop stylist alongside my talented friend and photographer Fan Chen.


Butcher cutting Meat

An ongoing series stemming from Barranquilla, Colombia that explores the magnitude of grace exhibited by street vendors.


New York State of Mine


A recollection through the years of the sights and stories I've had a chance to capture in and around the streets of New York City.



This series is a recollection of the hidden gems of the carribean coast of Colombia. Looking for the best within the ordinary.